
Queen of Katwe

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img_20161102_105121_481In the game of chess, the small one can become the big one. Same is true in real life. Small and ordinary people can become great people. There are many examples in history and even in our present days.

Queen of Katwe is one of those unique stories of people rising from the slum to greatness. It’s so inspiring to know that even age is not a barrier to aspiring for more.

Here are some of the most striking lessons for me from the movie.

1. Sometimes the place you are used to is not the place you belong. Bill gates said that “it is not your fault if you were born poor but it is your fault if you remain poor”.

2. Losses happen for all of us. What we need to do is reset the pieces and play again. As Steve Jobs said in his famous Standford speech, “keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”, we should let loosing teach us how to be better.

3. Get into the right company to succeed. The people around you influence your thinking and actions. If you want to become successful, start making friends with people that have the same interest as you.

Remember that what you know is not as important as what you do. I wish you the best. If you can, please see the movie and take a child along.

Never Let Go

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After several minutes of scrolling through the movie listing for Tuesday, I had to settle for Never Let Go. I must say it is the title that attracted me to the movie which is the story of a woman trying to rescue her kidnapped baby. True to the title, the movie inspired me to always give it all it takes to achieve my desire. Here are other lessons I took from the movie;

Move fast – She knew that her best chance of getting her child is the first hours after the abduction so she stayed motivated to pursue.

Break rules – The rule was to report to thevpolice but she knew this might not help her goal so she broke the rules.

Use experience – Every time you gain knowledge, you are increasing your experience which will be useful sometime in the future.

Appreciate what you have – Even though she did not want a daughter before, she appreciates her daughter much more after the kidnap.

I say to you, “Never Let Go”.

My “Zootopia” Experience

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zootopiaI really love cartoons but I rarely go to the cinema to see them. I must say it was worth my time seeing Disney new movie, Zootopia. The story and characters are amazing. I will describe five of the characters that I love and share five of the many lessons I learnt.

The Fox; enterprising hustler, smart
The Rabbit; hero, never giving up and believes in her dream.
Officer Bogo; Will intimidate anyone that does not have enough self confidence.
The Boss; Still in charge no matter his “size”.
Rabbit Parents; always discouraging you because they think they care.

Keep believing in yourself. Someday others will.
Leave your comfort and familiar zone, there is another world out there were your wild dreams are achievable.
Think of different and innovative ways to solve problems your disadvantage or shortcomings may pose to you.
While you are waiting for the opportunity to do the things you love (busting crimes), do what you are currently opportune to do with love (serving tickets).
Always do good, your reward might be life saving (saved daughter of the BOSS).

So I strongly recommend you see Zootopia this weekend and never allow anyone tell you “you can’t” because YOU CAN!!!